Issue 3 : Alive : Print
Explore the simple joy of being alive with us. Through shared stories, visceral artwork, guided exercises, meditations, and poetry we will look at what it means to Live. To experience this lifetime with unfettered joy and appreciate the gift that is life.
“We each have so much to celebrate. Sure the work is never done, but we have come so far. Think back to a few years ago, ten years ago. You have overcome things you thought you never would. You have done things you thought you never could. …So, dear one, let’s celebrate! Let’s celebrate our resilience, our grief, our pain, our worry, our fear, our strength, our courage. Let’s yell from the rooftops about the light that can be found within us, when nothing is left. How being cracked wide open has set us free. How amongst the pain there is simple pleasure, there is joy.”
— Excerpt from ALIVE Letter from the Editors
120 pages
ad-free / full color
matte publication
7x10 inches