our contributors
In honor & overwhelming gratitude for these incredible humans who have offered this heart forward gift of their stories & artwork. Without their vulnerability & creativity, none of this would be possible.
Abinaya Ayyamperumal
Abinaya is an artist who works predominantly using her fingers dipping in rich oils without the use of brushes to create textures and effects. She feels her buyers and viewers should be able to enjoy the feel of the journeys her fingers traverse and explore throughout the canvas when they purchase the originals.She also works on other mediums using gold, other metal leaves and enjoys painting wall murals too.
Besides painting she is a writer, illustrator and UX designer, living with her family in Virginia.
Althea Byrne
bio coming soon...
Angela Mictlanzochitl Anderson Guerrero, PhD
Angela is the Executive Director of LIDERAMOS, a National Latino leadership development organization. She is a contemporary healer holding and guiding strategic change built in self-worth to regenerate radical compassion for a new world of equity, sustainability, and wonder. She completed her doctorate in transpersonal pyschology and is a part of Danza de la Huitzilmeztli and Danza de Luna Xinachtli Meztli, transterritorial Mexica practices.
Angella Johnson
Angella picked up a paintbrush again after 20 years and remembered why she’s happiest when she’s creating with her hands. She also runs Soul Vision Business, Inc. a company that uses the Intuitive Marketing Method™ to teach entrepreneurs how to market their passions and make more money without the hype or hustle.
Andrea Castaneda
Andrea was born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and her beginnings as an artist were from a very young age. At 13, she worked as an illustrator at Calderon company in Honduras. Andrea sold her first painting and completed first mural at 15. Andrea continued her art career studying at Savannah College of Art & Design. She has worked as an illustrator for several companies around the world and muralist in Mexico and the United States. Her work has been featured in galleries in Washington DC, Italy, Reston VA, Cocoa Beach FL, Melbourne FL, Woodbridge VA, Honduras. Andrea also studied Fine Artist at Milan Art Institute.
Anita Iacovetto
My name is Anita Iacovetto and I live in the wonderful state of Wyoming. My husband and I live on a little rural farm with a collection of farm animals and our younger two children. Our two older children have flown the nest and are beginning their own journeys.
Anne Durfee-Landon
My name is Anne Durfee-Landon and I’ve been retired from the educational/health care field for five years now. I was born in Detroit, MI and now reside in SCS MI. I am a proud graduate of Wayne State University where I achieved a Master’s in Educational Psychology. My hobbies include caring for my rescue dogs, cat, and bird watching. My greatest goal is attempting to come to terms with my spirituality and assist in making our world more compassionately diverse. My greatest achievement or I should say blessing was giving birth to my son, an amazing compassionate young man whom I love more each day. My unrealized passion - writing.
Amber Trevino
Did you ever feel like you had one of “those” lives, you know the one that has you challenged at every turn? Anywhere from a physical to mental burn? Yea, me too! Lifting people from their sad space, encouraging-greatness and supporting your battles while providing you the pump up with laughter, silly antics and healthy routines. This is how I work through my own negative space, and how we will work through yours Finding my inside truth, knocking down the barrier and providing love and light heartedness to move through any situation like grace under fire.. You are a beautiful being. You deserve all things good, Stay happy and healthy, You got this! XoXo Amber
Autumn Mechtly
Autumn Mechtly lives in Denver, Colorado a city that she describes as her womb and thrives there as a mother, wife, and artist. A longtime creative writer, Autumn is also a photographer and collage artist who creates fire art installations with her metal artist husband and their children.
Carly Paro-Tompkins
Carly Paro-Tompkins, Ed.D., LMHC-QS is a Mental Health Counselor, Qualified Supervisor, and Assistant Professor in the Department of Counseling at Nova Southeastern University. She teaches and supervisees, maintains a small private practice and dedicates time in service to her community to promote mental health awareness and support suicide prevention efforts.
Cylie Johnston
Algonquin, First Nations from the Ottawa Valley
A Two Spirit recovering addict using art as a way of healing from generational trauma, personal trauma, mental health issues, and addiction. Using beading, photography, writing, and tattooing as ways to reconnect and honour their ancestors.
Cynthia Drake
Cynthia Drake is a lifelong elementary school music teacher, a Suzuki School piano teacher, a church choir conductor, and a volunteer in preschool and middle schools. Her eight grandchildren inspired her book, A Grandmother's Sourcebook, A Treasure Trove of Projects & Family Fun. She lives in Durham, NC with her husband in a lovely woods.
Dave Zaboski
Dave Zaboski is a classically trained painter, illustrator and former Senior Animator with Disney, Sony and Warner Bros. Dave has drawn for such classic films as Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, the Lion King, Pocahontas and more. He consults with companies on collaborative creativity and lives with his wife, Robin, on a small ranchette in Los Angeles, CA. Dave is currently the Co-founder of Laetro.com, a commissions platform for artists, by artists.
David Creagh
I am an image creator with a passion for capturing the color., shape., texture., contrast and details found in nature! 40 years ago I got my first SLR and stepped into the world of photography. I’ve always loved creating art..,from drawing to painting to sculpture.,I’ve done it all and done it well but photography has always been my true creative muse. My love of abstraction informs my photography and influences the kinds of images I create. When coupled with my love of photographing the natural world a hyper-realistic style emerges that is part realism and part abstraction. Over the past 40 years I’ve built an extensive portfolio of images from which I have created prints and books. My library of images is available at the official DC Photography Portfolio website with links to purchase at the DC Photography website at Fine Art America.
Diego Marcial Rios
Diego Marcial Rios lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and paints in acrylics. He graduated with honors with an M.A./M.F.A. from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Department of Fine Arts Graduate School and a B.F.A. from University of California at Berkeley. Diego has a C.L.P. from the University of San Francisco. He received a number of fellowships for his Academic study. His artwork illustrates many complex social-economic issues faced by contemporary society.
Diego Marcial Rios' fine art has been included in more than 500 exhibitions from Japan to Bulgaria and is featured in a number of Museum Collections, Public Collections, books, magazines.
Dominic Rex Haaroff
Dominque is a Shiva/Shakti Blessing Giver, Reiki Master Conductor and Kundalini teacher. I am a Registered Homoeopath (UK) and did a pre-med program with UCSB, USA. I hold a B.S. in Genetics from UC Berkley and hold a Doctor of Spirit in Counseling. Many of my clients experience increased well-being and improvement in their conditions; however I can not promise you these things. Self- care is extremely important part of your healing process. At all times your healing is your responsibility. If at any time during a session you are uncomfortable, it is your responsibility to inform me immediately. I recommend that you refrain from alcohol 24 hours before and after your session.
Ellie Love
I am a Clinical Mental Health Counselor in the state of Colorado. I am dedicated to advocacy for the mental health field and continuing the conversation surrounding suicide, loss, and grief. I believe in the power of sharing our stories as we all continue on our healing path.
Faye D'Cruz | Fayology
Faye Brooke D'Cruz is a creative writer. She has developed a talent in story-writing, script-writing and copywriting over the years. She currently works with a digital advertising agency in Mumbai. When she's not creating brand campaigns, she's penning down her thoughts on love and loss in all its shades.
Gabrielle K. Byrne
Gabrielle K. Byrne is the author of two middle grade novels. She lives in the tangled wilds of the Pacific Northwest, where she writes fantasy for kids of all ages. Rise of the Dragon Moon was a Junior Library Guild selection, and The Edge of Strange Hollow was called, "spookily thrilling with superlative worldbuilding” by Kirkus reviews. Her books are available wherever books are sold. Learn more at
Georgia Taylor
Georgia Taylor as a semi-abstract artist living in the colorful Sonoran Desert has simplified her impressions of her surrounding environment onto large canvas paintings. Numerous life events of struggle, deaths and tragic events along with an inner refusal of not being victimized have taken a profound influence of her painterly expression. She embraces surprises, often pushing the various paints & material into an unusual style.
She is not afraid to paint the world around her as she feels it and hearing the complex colors of life.
Jamie Solomon
Jamie (she/her) has 15+ years in the early childhood education field, working as a preschool lead teacher and as a lecturer for undergraduate and graduate courses. Currently, she spends her time working as the director at Scuola Creativa, a Reggio-inspired school in Royal Oak, MI and as a parenting consultant for the greater community.
Janet Parsons
Janet Parsons is a Visionary Artist, Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healer. Her mystical paintings and mentoring are pathways to illuminate the darker seasons of life. Bringing expansive love into the hearts of many. She supports women in navigating rebirths and alchemizing grief, through her connection with mother earth and the cosmic realms.
Jenna Asker
Born in Texas, raised in Northern California and now residing in the U.K. as a self taught artist, J M Asker specializes in portraiture painting and has had a long held obsession with the workings of human nature and how we as humans show emotion. Jenna works primarily with a mix of Acrylic, Acrylic Ink, Gouache and Watercolour. From an early age it was obvious she was an artist and has never strayed from that path. She won her first prize at the age of 6 and is now an internationally recognized award winning artist with work in international exhibitions and in both public installations and private collections across the England, Scotland, America and Hong Kong.
Jenna Townsend
Jenna Townsend (she/her) has been a practicing attorney for 9 years, first in employment law and now consumer rights litigation. She is a certified mediator, attuned in reiki to level 2, has given birth to two children, and has a deep reverence for all living beings: plants, bugs, animals, and you.
John Andrew Mackenzie
I was born and raised on the west coast in Vancouver BC Canada by an amazing single mother. I credit her for my love of art, the occult, spirituality and all things weird, supernatural and paranormal. My open mind came about from her bringing me along to various temples and churches of many different religions and belief systems when I was a wee lad. As such, I was given the freedom to explore and figure out which spiritual path I cared to walk.
Dr. Jo, is a tenured research professor at Arizona State University, founder of the international NGO the MISS Foundation, author of the award winning book "Bearing the Unbearable: Love, loss, and the heartbreaking path of grief", and a bereaved mom since the death of her daughter in 1994. Her work at the Selah Carefarm was featured on Oprah and Prince Harry's docuseries, "The Me You Can't See" in 2021.
Katie Ralston
Katie Ralston is a sophomore in high school. She lives in Denver Colorado. She works with most medias, but digital art is a personal favorite. Her background consists of an art leaning school Pre-K though 8th grade. Her art manly focuses on human and human expression in classic realism styles
Karina Brzostowki
Born in Poland, Karina Brzostowski immigrated to France with her family at the young age of 3 years old. Raised there, Karina studied the Arts and graduated with a BAhons in Theater at University. After performing in Paris she left France and moved to London. In 2020, following her many years living in the UK, she relocated to Dubai where she currently works. Karina’s paintings act as a visual diary, a way for her to exorcise the past and uncertainty, as well as to celebrate love and growth. Lush colours and female depictions, inspired by her dreams and personal experiences; transport the viewer in a metaphorical place or situation. As a former actress, Karina’s work is rooted in emotions and is a quest about love and loss, identity, femininity, memory and a path to healing.
Kathy Francis
I am an artist, mother of two, wife of 30 years living in Southeastern Indiana (Greater Cincinnati Ohio). I am a Christian,
a soul on a journey to betterment.
I have a BA in Communication/Marketing at Northern Kentucky University. I have worked as a professional artist for 18 plus years. My work is a thread of joy in my life with which I hope to positively effect others.
Kenyon Muirhead
My name is Kenyon Muirhead, I have been blessed with a life of trails and tribulation, regret and shame. In my experience Resiliency is the choice to grow through these emotions in order to access rebirth. I suppose rebuilding is what I am doing now living a quiet life in Garden City, KS of all places. This piece was an old drawing I gave new life too.
Collector of joy, love and knowledge in shared space, Kim gathers experiences of life by living her truth while educating, caregiving and creating. Her time is spent in an eclectic array of activity including bird watching, traveling and nature photography.
Kim Rabon Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education, Master of Science Degree in Computing Technology in Education, Endorsement for Principal Licensure.
Kyle Babcock
Kyle Babcock is the founder of Biodiverse Designs; an Ecological design and build firm located in the Pacific Northwest. Kyle has over twenty years of experience working in the Landscape Industry. He uses Biodiverse Compost as the foundation of the business. By regenerating the soil using microorganisms he can really get at the root causes of rebuilding degenerated landscapes to flourish once again.
Lee Kornhauser
Im a white intersex / trans / disabled / queer / poly / jewish / anti-racist /ex-farmer / plant medicine - energy worker / artist / tree worshipper / hand-crafter✋🏼 / neuroatypical /dog luving sloyder of Hungarian and Swedish ancestry / full time single parent of a big spirited young child out here trying to make beautiful and potent and comforting and functional offerings here in SE Michigan / on Anishinaabe land.
Liz Meitus
Liz Meitus has spent nearly two decades working as a psychic, teaching meditation, and hosting soul-inspiring retreats. Currently residing in Denver, Liz is a mother, avid outdoor adventurer, a home chef, as well as a Senior Director over campaigns and creative for a global data protection company.
Lola Muñoz
Lola Muñoz was born in Valencia, Spain, a multidisciplinary artist and art teacher, after living in Mexico, where she formed a beautiful family with which she resumed her artistic and teaching career. She returned to Spain fascinated by nature, Mexican culture and its beautiful crafts, her work focuses on the search for the innate qualities of the human soul such as love, calm, femininity, balance, duality, compassion, inner peace and wisdom, all represented through the study of the different archetypes and symbols present in all cultures with a cosmoview. She makes her own hand-drawn and oil-painted collages, linographs, and mixed media.
She seeks understanding and healing in each work, always open to inner knowledge and the freedom that artistic creation gives her, fascinated by ancestral cultures and their symbols, takes as reference the flora, fauna, astronomy and natural cycles that surround her to interpret the concepts that she studies.
Lynn Bodnar
In my debut book, “The Perfect Cupcake, a Momoir”, I detail my journey of motherhood, acceptance of imperfection,
and some eye-opening revelations … like, vasectomies fail (even after 5 1/2 years).
Now I’m writing a historical fiction based on my family’s own Scottish heritage and the lasting influence of siblings.
My major focus is being an energy healer, working with people to release trauma/blocks, balance energy, providing a path to their best self.
Manda Menzies
Manda Menzies can be found living in what she affectionately terms as her little Rabbit Hole. It is located in a small town in The Little Karoo which is a semi-arid region of South Africa. Here she lives with a myriad of characters, mostly in her head, some with actual bodies and spend her days writing, creating or simply musing. She lays no claim to any formal education, state of enlightenment or other accolades. However, she too was shaken from her tree, and has since sprouted a presence in the forest of Facebook and on other social media platforms. She likes to smile.
Margaret Ferraro
A self taught artist, life has been my classroom. Growing up in Rhode Island and summering in Maine, fostered a love of color and all that nature inspires. Becoming a artist was always a dream and is now, a reality. I hope my work reflects the joy , wonder, beauty, and also sorrow, that the world has to offer.
Maya Dreamscape
For the last 10 years of my life I have used my artwork as a form of self expression. My artwork is mostly inspired by dreams I have or bottle up emotions that I'm struggling with. Throughout my life I've had the ability to remember most of my dreams and have had reoccurring dream experiences since I was young. Recreating these dreamscapes through my artwork and testing the limits of my own creativity is what drives me in life. I am excited to share these unique worlds through my paintings and hopefully help other people understand themselves through their own dreamscapes along the way.
Megan Carlisle
Megan Carlisle’s work exists at the intersection of grief and wild spaces. She knows that nature helps us heal our pain by teaching us that regeneration is the result of death and decay. With a background in soil science she helped birth the first ever facility to convert human remains into soil.
Mizza N. Nelson
Author G.D. Bowman wrote “Beyond the Mask” under her pseudonym, Mizza P. Nelson. A stark deviation from her typical writing genres, this novel reveals a deeper level of her writing ability.
A native of Virginia and graduate of Hampton University, Bowman attended graduate school in Detroit, Michigan. She enjoys international travel, animal rights activism, and doting on her grandchildren.
Molly Freund | Zealous Stills
Female photographer Molly Freund based in Bend, OR strips your shell and reveals your inner goddess. Her intentions are to help awaken your divine feminine, tell your unique story and represent it with one of a kind artwork. Her sessions are available to all who wish to document their empowerment.
Patti Walsh
My work is filtered through my road-weary, sometimes jaded and warped mind with a unique “woman-elder” perspective. It’s pure feeling, mainly allowing chaos to self-organize into a form that might be understood visually – as I evolve and learn to understand that visual art expresses what we know without words but with experiences and sensory understanding. As I approach a new piece of work. I typically have a process where colors are decided and I just let loose on the canvas with nothing in my logic mind and let my angst, joy, frustration, silliness, or a thousand other feelings dictate the movement of the work.
Ria Harboe
Ria lives on Lummi Island, Washington and maintains a studio there as well as one in Bellingham, where she participates in Studio Tours and Gallery Walks. Her work is part of several shows and festivals each year. A daughter of Danish immigrants, Ria grew up in the high desert of California, where she fostered a love of the environment, art and music. After graduating CSU Chico, with a BA/Fine Art in 1985, she moved to the Pacific Northwest and this is where she has pursued her art. Her travels have taken her many places in the world where the beauty and culture of a specific place has inspired and informed her work.
Rachel Linden
Hello! My name is Rachel Linden (they/them) and I’m the founder of Thuja Studios, a slow-design, multifunctional, interdisciplinary creative studio. After five years working at Nike, creating shoes for some of the most elite athletes and musicians of our time, I found myself burnt out, uninspired, and very aware that my gifts were not reaching those who could truly appreciate and benefit from them. So in July 2021, I quit! I decided it was time to connect the dots of all my diverse work experiences and artistic abilities to help others envision and create the things that would bring them the most joy to their lives.
Richard Burr
Rick Burr is a retired high school English Literature teacher and newly ordained minister, currently heading up a non-sectarian ministry he created in St Augustine, Florida. He specializes in officiating customized weddings, and is currently developing a blog focused on the value of premarital counseling. For more information, his website is ministryofsacredlove.com.
Sarita Rivard
A bicultural, trilingual native of both South and North America, and nomad of thirteen years, Sarita is a bridge between the many worlds. Sarita has guided Rites Of Passage journeys in Argentina, Bolivia, Perú, Nepal, and India. In 2018 she published her second book, Sweet Water Tsunami, a complex work chronicling her descent through the hell of losing her beloved life partner, and the art of being broken open by life’s complexity, rather than broken to pieces.
Sarah Rose
I am a non-practicing Taoist and I practice an ancient medicine I believe that good food is the best way to stay healthy. I climb on rocks and cook with love and have capsized in my own sadness at times. I am a good friend, a good mother and great lover and I am always doing the “Work” to be better. The mountains and the desert are my temple and I take each sunset seriously. I have faced my own mortality more times than I can count and am fairly certain I know the meaning of my own life.
Like everything else
It could change
Shauntell Boyer
Hey, my name is Shauntelle I am a Black Queer woman based out of Detroit, MI. I am a healer, podcaster & writer who has a passion for humanity. My purpose in life is to help guide people back home to themselves through self love, radical healing, and consciousness. I have a podcast titled “Shauntelle Says” it is a weekly show that drops every Tuesday. It is a space for vulnerability, openness, joy, and love. My hope is that all humans are able to be seen, valued, and acknowledged for their authentic selves through their own personal journey.
Stacey Babi
Stacey Babi is an Intuitive Life Coach, Breathwork Practitioner, Sound Therapist and Meditation Guide. As a lightworker, Stacey's intention is to create a sacred space to help women find their inner power in order to attract what they truly desire. She is also the host of The Braving Wander Podcast.
Steven Pogiso Xakawe
Steven was born in Pretoria in 1995. His mother relocated with him and his two siblings to Port Alfred to look after her blind mother. Steven is an artist by nature. Ever since he could hold a pencil he has been sketching. Deep in his heart burns a fire, the desire to become an artist/create strong. He may not have had the proper materials but he created good works with what he had. In 2011 he exhibited at Nomzamo Senior Secondary School and in 2014 he designed their matric jackets. He is going to work to change his families situation and bring change in the community. He believes it is by God's grace he performs such works.
Susan Snow
Susan Snow is the daughter of murdered LAPD Detective Thomas C. Williams, killed October 31, 1985 at Faith Baptist School in Canoga Park. Susan is currently writing a autobiography and speaking about her experience the night she lost her father and her journey through grief and forgiveness
Tashena Montoya
Hello! My name is Tashena Montoya. I have a MEd in Early Childhood Education, am passionate about working with and advocating for our youngest learners. In the last few years, I have begun exploring creativity through my work with PJ's imaginations & am the official swag provider for Corduroy Road. I am also the proud mother of an a champion ice hockey player.
Tara Peckham
I am a lover of all things art. I create on many platforms including watercolor, ink drawings, acrylic painting, and pyrography. With the passing of my father in April of 2017, one thing that kept my mind constructively busy was engulfing myself in some form of art. I am hoping to one day soon start selling some of my work.
Vanora Vaz | VanGoDoodle
Vanora Vaz is an illustrator, a musician, and a former reluctant architect. All of the above, with a penchant for storytelling and facilitating change through art and music. Through her illustrations, she focuses on creating colourful work showcasing mental health issues and interpersonal relationships. Vanora believes that Art has the power to start powerful conversations!
Varsha Bhat
I'm a writer and designer who believes in the power of storytelling. I work with concepts and ideas that expand my creative outlook with different perspectives. I’m here to be a part of new conversations. Be it spoken or written, words can influence change on a greater scale because words travel far and wide to all the places we can't go and all the people we can't meet.
To the people who throughout time have been told to keep their emotions caged, who have been told that violence, objectification, power, control, and dominance are what makes them strong, who now rise up determined to find empathy, gentleness, love, and kindness, people who embrace their families with a nurturing softness and who know the real power of a human lies not in his ability to destroy and conquer but in his ability NOT to destroy and conquer...
I stand in solidarity with you.